Redline's 2018 Forecast

03 Jan, 2018 It's that time of year when the Redline team usually gets a bit misty-eyed and indulges in some reminiscing about the year gone past. Not this year though! Instead, we're focused on 2018 and making sure that we're ready to keep delivering insights into the murkier aspects of Iran's nuclear program. So what are we expecting to happen next year on that front? Well, Team Redline is very much hoping that Iran keeps sticking to its end of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the landmark nuclear deal negotiated in 2015. The odds of that happening we think are better than even. Buts it's still best to me pessimistic. What we can be even more assured of is that elements within Iran's military and Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) will keep working on developing capabilities that veer a little too closely to the limits of what is permitted under the JCPOA - and indeed perhaps a couple of projects that cross the line. Here's wh...