A Chemical Heatwave


Readers of Redline might still be recovering from the record heatwave this summer, where the all-knowing regime could not manage to keep the power running for many Iranians due to record high electricity demand (http://www.irna.ir). This even included some hospital patients undergoing essential dialysis to stay alive. One would not be foolish to think that at least some of the money the government has spent on Nuclear Energy would go towards… electricity, but we’ve really not seen that to be true (https://www.iranintl.com/en/202407129558). If these power cuts keep happening, it makes us question where all the nuclear power generation is going… On the same line of thought as that, we focus today’s exclusive coverage on the fabulous Hakiman Shargh Research Company.

You might have seen Hakiman Shargh in the news recently, but not for developing anything good or helpful to the people of Iran, like electricity, that people actually need. Instead, we’ve just seen news that they’ve been sanctioned for involvement in Chemical Weapons research and development (https://www.iranintl.com/202407126213). What a lovely thought, Hakiman Shargh contributing to the development of weapons of mass destruction. We don’t know much about the shadowy Hakiman Shargh Research Company, other than that they provide support to our favorite group of mad scientists, SPND. In a darkly-humorous twist, it just so happens that Hakiman Shargh, or East Sage Research Company as it is also called, is right near Esfahan University of Technology and right across the street from… wait for it… the Children’s Science and Technology center! 





If you’re a student nearby, I would certainly reconsider taking an internship at Hakiman, unless you want your career ruined before it can get started. And we sure hope none of their chemical weapon experiments spill over into the children’s playground.

It’s sad to hear about a group whose CEO, Sayyed Ali Alavi, who just ten years ago wrote papers about treating cancer (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344458624_Concentration-_Dependent_Effects_of_Curcumin_on_5-Fluorouracil_Efficacy_in_Bladder_Cancer_Cells), is now instead involved with something nefarious. Cancer treatment is something that would have actually helped Iranians, but now we’re stuck with chemical weapons research instead. We have already talked in detail on SPND’s great contribution to so-called “science”, but now we’ll sadly add one more associated organization to the list.




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