How to get Infected with Dengue Fever: A Beginner’s Guide


We’ve already exposed how Ahmad Karimi Rahjerdi heads SPND’s bioweapons development group, and how he has a nauseating haircut reminiscent of the cyanide-popping Eva Braun’s late husband (Ahmad Karimi Rahjerdi’s Hitler haircut is making me feel ill). Now, we’ll take readers down the road to his one of his co-writers… or should we say co-conspirators?

The newest possible villain in the government’s bioweapons enterprise is Mohammad Shooshtari. He is another one of Rahjerdi’s creepy minions who has worked with him in the past. A quick stroll down google scholar or Researchgate will reveal that he and Rahjerdi have collaborated on a research project, which they both published while affiliated with Milad Daru Noor Pharmaceutical Company (MNDP).

The astute Redline reader will recognize that Milad Daru Noor is another SPND front company (Another front company unveiled: Milad Daru Noor).

You may be wondering what Shooshtari is up to these days. Recently, he’s been researching Dengue Fever in his new capacity at the Iranian Pasteur Institute (IPI). Dengue fever can cause some nasty symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, hemorrhagic fever, bone pain, joint pain, eye pain, and can even lead to death.

Redline has dug up reporting of the Passive Defense Organization (PDO), Iranian Pasteur Institute, and SPND all collaborating to bring biosafety laboratories into Iran in 2020, like the one we’ve seen Rahjerdi lurking in recently, and where SPND can work on dangerous pathogens.

Let’s follow the connections here. Shooshtari has collaborated with Rahjerdi, a known SPND leader, in the past. They were both affiliated with Milad Daru Noor at the time, which is a SPND front company. Now, Shooshtari has moved on to IPI. Iranian Pasteur Institute works with both SPND and PDO. With a little bit of investigating, who knows what we may find in Shooshtari’s current projects? If we know that SPND develops chemical and biological weapons, it raises suspicions for Shooshtari’s research in general. We haven’t confirmed our suspicions yet, but we certainly don’t trust SPND.

It’s possible that Shooshtari genuinely thought he was helping out Iranians when investigating viruses. Either way, his continued collaboration with SPND elements will always cast a shadow on everything he does. Remember, we know that Rahjerdi helps SPND develop their bioweapons program, and any scientist that collaborates with him is bound to be tainted by his reputation. If getting Dengue all over you like this isn’t bad enough, maybe you don’t want the toxic stench of Rahjerdi all over you either. Hilariously, all of this could be a moot point, because if you ask Cleric Abbas Tabrizian, it’s modern medicine to blame for giving you Dengue fever, not the Aedes mosquito.



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